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There's 3 people I need to thank for making Sugar Britches’ Boutique happen….

1) My fantastic husband. Being a former single mom of 2 teen boys, I didn’t know what it was like to have a partner that shared the responsibilities of parent/adulthood, until I met my husband. He is such a selfless man, helping and cherishing his family. It was no longer my sole responsibility. And not only is he a tender, loving soul but he is genuinely interested in my love of crocheting, fascinated by my creations, and actually encourages me in it. Thank you for embracing who I am and what I do! Thank you for loving me (and my family) unconditionally. Thank you for being my best friend. I love you, sweetheart!

2) My amazing momma. Unfortunately, time and arthritis has robbed her a bit as far as crocheting. However, I’m grateful for the seeds that she planted so many years ago. I’ve watched her make numerous creations over the years filled with love. Thank you for always being a patient, teaching mom. You never put something in our hands without showing us how to do and do it well. I love you bunches!

3) My friend, Jen. She was at the right place at the right time! I really don’t think I would have taken up crocheting again if I didn’t have the pleasure of working with her. See, God really does have a plan for everything lol! Thank you for teaching an old dog some new tricks and helping ignite this fire. I truly call you my friend. Jobs come and go, and if this one ever does, I pray our friendship continues through the years. Love you!

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